Light Field Camera Project

Implementing Depth Refocusing and Aperture Adjustment

Project Overview

This project implements key light field camera capabilities using multiple images taken from different viewpoints. Based on Ng et al.'s work, we demonstrate how simple operations like shifting and averaging can achieve complex photographic effects such as post-capture refocusing and aperture adjustment.

Part 1: Depth Refocusing

The depth refocusing implementation leverages the principle that distant objects show minimal position changes across different viewpoints, while nearby objects exhibit significant shifts. By applying appropriate shifts before averaging, we can focus on objects at different depths.

Implementation Approach

  • Center point fixed at (8,8) in the image grid
  • Shift calculation based on distance from center and depth factor
  • C values range from 0 to 3 with 7 evenly spaced steps (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0)
Depth frames
Depth refocusing results at different C values
Focus sequence
Animated sequence showing focus transition across depths

Part 2: Aperture Adjustment

The aperture adjustment simulates different lens apertures by controlling how many viewpoints contribute to the final image. Larger apertures use more viewpoints, creating stronger depth-of-field effects.

Implementation Approach

  • Aperture values range from 1.0 to 8.0 with 5 steps
  • Images selected based on distance from center (8,8)
  • Smaller apertures use fewer images, creating sharper overall images
  • Larger apertures incorporate more peripheral views, enhancing depth effects
Aperture frames
Aperture adjustment results with different aperture sizes
Aperture sequence
Animated sequence showing aperture size transition


This project showed me the potential of light field photography. By capturing more information when taking a picture, we can do things like change focus or adjust the depth of field afterwards. I was also surprised that the parallax effect makes it so that objects can appear to move a lot when closer and not a lot when further away. The last thing is that it was amazing how combining the parallax effect with simple shifting and averaging operations can create interesting effects.

Gradient Domain Fusion Project

Implementing Poisson Blending and Mixed Gradients

Gradient Domain Processing

Gradient-domain processing enables seamless blending of objects between images by preserving gradient information while allowing intensity adjustments. This technique creates natural-looking composites by solving a series of optimization problems that maintain local image structure while eliminating visible seams.

Part 1: Toy Problem

I implement a gradient reconstruction system that recovers an image from its x and y gradients plus a single intensity value. The system solves a least squares problem by constructing sparse matrices that represent gradient constraints. For each pixel, I minimize (v(x+1,y)-v(x,y) - (s(x+1,y)-s(x,y)))² for x-gradients and (v(x,y+1)-v(x,y) - (s(x,y+1)-s(x,y)))² for y-gradients, plus an anchor constraint v(1,1)=s(1,1) to fix the absolute intensities.

Original image used for gradient extraction
Image reconstructed from gradients, achieving an image reconstruction with minimal error (0.01 L2 norm)

Part 2: Poisson Blending

I implement Poisson blending by solving for pixel values that preserve gradients from the source image while matching the boundary conditions of the target image. The system uses sparse matrices to efficiently solve the optimization problem. For each pixel i in the source region and its neighbors j, I minimize (v_i - v_j - (s_i - s_j))² when j is also in the source region, and (v_i - t_j - (s_i - s_j))² when j is in the target region.

Naive copy-paste showing distinct boundary artifacts
Poisson blending result showing seamless integration with the target image
Another Poisson blending example with different source and target images

Bells & Whistles: Mixed Gradients

I improved the basic Poisson blending by implementing mixed gradients, where instead of always using source gradients, I select the gradient with larger magnitude between source and target. This preserves strong edges from both images, leading to better preservation of high-frequency details. For each pixel pair (i,j), I compare |s_i - s_j| with |t_i - t_j| and use the larger gradient in the optimization.

Mixed gradient result showing enhanced edge preservation
Second mixed gradient example demonstrating consistent edge handling