CS180 Project 3: Face Morphing

Adnan Aman

Project Overview

In this project, I worked on face morphing, computing average faces, and creating caricatures. I implemented different image processing techniques to morph one face into another, calculate the mean face from a group of faces, and make exaggerated versions of faces.

Part 1: Defining Correspondences

For the correspondences, I used the tool from a previous student's project (available here). I selected images of Conor McGregor and Lionel Messi from Martin Schoeller's close-up series. I then hand-picked the correspondences, making sure I had enough points for a good warp and a good number of triangles.

McGregor's face with Delaunay triangulation
McGregor with Delaunay triangulation
Messi's face with Delaunay triangulation
Messi with Delaunay triangulation
Adnan's face with Delaunay triangulation
My face with Delaunay triangulation

Part 2: Computing the "Mid-way Face"

To create the mid-way face between McGregor and Messi, I followed these steps:

  1. Computed the average shape by averaging the corresponding points from both images.
  2. For each triangle in the original images and the average shape, I calculated an affine transformation matrix.
  3. Using these matrices, I performed inverse warping to map pixels from the original images to the average shape.
  4. I used polygon masking to ensure only relevant pixels were warped.
  5. Finally, I cross-dissolved the two warped images by averaging their pixel values to create the mid-way face.
Original McGregor
Original McGregor
Midway Face
Midway Face
Original Messi
Original Messi

Part 3: The Morph Sequence

I created a morph sequence by generating 45 frames. For each frame, I linearly interpolated the warp_frac and dissolve_frac from 0 to 1. I then created the morphed image for each frame using these interpolated values. Finally, I saved the frames together as an animated GIF.

Morph Sequence GIF
Morph Sequence: McGregor to Messi

Part 4: The "Mean Face" of a Population

For this part, I used the FEI Face Database. I clipped some points that were going outside of the image range. I then chose one image to warp to the average face (and vice versa), as well as doing it on my own face after choosing corresponding points.

Mean Neutral Face
Mean Neutral Face
Mean Smiling Face
Mean Smiling Face
Original Dataset Face
Original Dataset Face
Dataset Face Warped to Neutral Shape
Dataset Face Warped to Neutral Shape
My Normal Face
My Normal Face
My Face Warped to Neutral Shape
My Face Warped to Neutral Shape
Neutral Face Warped to My Shape
Neutral Face Warped to My Shape

Part 5: Caricatures - Extrapolating from the Mean

I used different alpha values to create caricatures by extrapolating from the mean. The caricature points were calculated using this formula:

caricature_points = α * mean_neutral_points + (1 - α) * adnan_points

Caricature (alpha = -2.00)
Caricature (α = -2.00)
Caricature (alpha = -0.50)
Caricature (α = -0.50)
Caricature (alpha = 2.00)
Caricature (α = 2.00)

Bells & Whistles

I computed the eigenfaces by performing PCA on the dataset. Here are the top 16 principal components:

Eigenfaces Plot
Eigenfaces Plot (Top 16)

I then used these eigenfaces along with some of the neutral normal faces to produce caricatures by adding a random variable alpha. Here are the results:

Original Face 1
Original Face 1
Caricature Face 1
Caricature Face 1
Original Face 2
Original Face 2
Caricature Face 2
Caricature Face 2


In this project, I successfully implemented face morphing between two images, created a morph sequence, computed mean faces from a dataset, and generated caricatures. I also explored using eigenfaces for creating caricatures. These techniques helped me understand how to manipulate and analyze facial images using computer vision methods.